Web Programming Tutorials

This is a relatively new section of the site, and I'm in the process of refining and expanding these tutorials. Feel free to browse, but be on the lookout for new tutorials, as well as revisions to existing ones very soon!

JavaScript Tutorials

Covers basic JavaScript syntax, including declaring and setting variables, working with strings and arrays, looping and conditionals, and other fundamental concepts necessary for further work in more specific areas of JavaScript.

Covers the use of JavaScript to get and set property values in the Document Object Model (the HTML page) using document.getElementById, innerHTML, and a variety of other useful functions and properties.

Covers how to define classes of objects in JavaScript that will have common properties and methods.

Covers scope issues in JavaScript, including IIFE (Immediately-Invoked Function Expression) and Closure.

Covers a basic introduction to the structure and syntax of this popular data structure notation, including how to convert strings into objects and vice-versa. Very useful in conjunction with the Ajax tutorial.

Covers the use of an ajax() function to extract output from an httpRequest, as well as some basic examples of how the object can be handled upon retrieval.

Covers the development of a mapping application using the Google Maps API. Introduction to displaying a map, placing markers, and using info windows. Leads into the use of object-oriented strategies for managing maps, markers and info windows in a more organized way.

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PHP Tutorials

A basic overview of what PHP is, how to set up an environment in which to learn and use it, and how to create your first "hello world" page.

Covers basic PHP syntax, including declaring and setting variables, working with strings and arrays, looping and conditionals, and other fundamental concepts necessary for further work in more specific areas of PHP.

Explains how to connect to a MySQL database, run queries, and handle results. Also includes an introduction to the basic SQL syntax needed to perform simple selects, inserts, updates and deletions. (For more in-depth discussion of SQL syntax, watch for SQL tutorials coming soon.)

Covers how to handle URL variables, catch form values, and manage state using session and environment variables. Provides a brief introduction to using MySQL to develop database-driven web applications.

Provides an overview of object-oriented programming (OOP) and an introduction to creating custom classes of objects in PHP with their own properties and methods.

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